Chris believes that optimal health can be attained by simple practices related to your daily life and routine.
Chris Curley L. Ac.
He has a passion for helping and educating people about how they can achieve great health and wellness. Chris feels that we, as a nation, are on verge of a breakthrough for Alternative and Complementary Medicine in America. With Pioneers in the field such as Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Mark Hyman and others leading the way,the nature of Health Care is evolving. Chris is optimistic that more and more people will be drawn to try healing methods like Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine.
Chris discovered the amazing potential of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine after he sustained a minor back injury while practicing Chinese Martial Arts. Chris’ Martial Arts teacher David Tircuit recommended he seek out acupuncture treatment. Chris found tremendous relief from it, and was inspired to learn how he could share this healing art with others.
Chris completed his Masters in Traditional Oriental Medicine as well as his clinical residency at the Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine. Chris is certified by the National Certification Commision on Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as a diplomate in both acupuncture and herbal credentialing. As part of his training, Chris had the opportunity to apprentice under a Master Chinese Herbalist, Weidong “Henry” Han. At Dr. Han’s clinic, Chris watched firsthand as patients with life threatening diseases were helped tremendously with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture. Dr Han can be read about in his book Ancient Herbs: Modern Medicine. Chris’s primary teacher during his schooling was Cathy Mcnease. Cathy’s work can be read in her book The Tao of Nutrition, co-written with Dr. Maoshing Ni. Chris owes a tremendous debt to not only these two teachers but also Alfred Pomerlau, H.B. Kim, Guyatri Heesen, and Daniel Diamond for sharing with him the art, magic, mystery, and intricacies of Oriental Medicine. Chris’s clinical skills have been recently developed and improved by learning the balance method taught by Dr Richard Tan and through self study of Master Tong’s style of acupuncture.
Here at the New Eastern Health Center we are committed to sharing the art and science of this ages old practice of medicine. We look forward to partnering with you in your health care.